Tesla will open its fourth dealership in Massachusetts: 'We think it's a good use of the property'

Tesla, Inc., is an electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Palo Alto, California.
Tesla, Inc., is an electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Palo Alto, California. | stock photo

Norwell, Massachusetts, will be the home to Tesla's fourth dealership in the Bay State.

Tesla was able to acquire two licenses to operate at a former BMW dealership at 98 Accord Park Road. The licenses, approved by the Norwell Board of Selectmen, are for new-car sales and used-car sales. 

"We think it's a good use of the property," Norwell Town Administrator Peter Morin said, according to The Patriot Ledger.

Though Tesla has been considering the location since last year, applying for a special permit to open a dealership was a concern, Morin told The Patriot Ledger. The administrator explained that the town modified the zoning article for the Accord Park zoning overlay district during the 2020 annual town meeting to clarify that auto dealerships were a by-right use, but Morin said he was in favor of the new dealership.

Selectman Jason Brown commented that the dealership, apart from filling vacant space in the business park, will benefit both Norwell and Tesla, as well as bring life and purpose back to the area.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently announced on Twitter that Tesla has suspended purchases using Bitcoin. While acknowledging that cryptocurrency has a promising future, Musk stated that “this cannot come at great cost to the environment.”