Utah's Ken Garff Automotive Group earned gold ADDY award for its people-focused campaign

The Ken Garff Automotive Group has been based in Salt Lake City, Utah, since 1932.
The Ken Garff Automotive Group has been based in Salt Lake City, Utah, since 1932. | stock photo

Utah's Ken Garff Automotive Group has been recognized for the business model it implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic: focusing on people.

The Salt Lake City-based company, Ken Garff Automotive Group, has earned a gold ADDY award at the American Advertising Federation of Utah for the best integrated campaign in the state, according to KenGarff.com.

“We are honored to receive a gold award for our yearlong campaign. It was instantly clear that the pandemic would bring challenges never faced before by Ken Garff Auto or by anyone anywhere in the communities where we do business,” said Matt Jensen, VP of marketing at Ken Garff Automotive Group. “We knew if we did it right, we could survive and help others in our communities.”

Identifying what they can control was the first step to determining which path to take, according to Jensen. And it wasn’t a difficult choice. “Treat people right. Repeat” was the general message they wanted to send across the organization, including within the community. The company's founder, Ken Garff, believed that business is about people, and the whole team remains committed to the people within the organization and in their local community.

Throughout the year, Garff Automotive celebrated unique themes for each of the final three quarters last year. They underscored greatness, respect and teamwork using these three taglines: “The best view comes after the hardest climb;” “Each star makes the sky more brilliant;” and “We go farther when we walk together.”

Continuing the passion of its founder, valuing people, Garff Automotive gives back to the community it serves through its “We're Hear For You” project. The most recent one was sponsoring Riverdale City’s Easter egg hunt event, according to a Facebook post.