Carter Myers Automotive gives back by helping families affected by childhood cancer

Carter Myers Automotive partners with UVA Children's Hospital.
Carter Myers Automotive partners with UVA Children's Hospital. | Pixabay

Liza Borches, president and CEO of Carter Myers Automotive, has long felt a raised sense of purpose during this time of year.

“This is our 16th year of partnering with UVA Children’s Hospital to help families affected by childhood cancer,” Borches told Mega Dealer News. “We’ve always held fundraisers and made contributions, but each year we’ve tried to do a little more because we want to be doing all we can to assist.”

This year was no exception with CMA executive coming up with the idea to make their strength in the industry more of a factor in the help it was able to give.

“When the hospitals told us one of the biggest headaches for these families getting back and forth for the treatments for their kids were things like car repairs and gas mileage, we thought that was definitely an area where we could help,” she said.

With that, the dealership created a program where all 15 of its dealerships contributed $25 from the roughly 1,200 cars sold during the month of September to be split among the hospitals for the cost of the program. In addition, company associates were also allowed to contribute as were customers who came to the dealerships for service.

The UVA Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughter were the direct beneficiaries of the program and the ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation was also involved.

“You hear the stories of some of the things these families go through and you want to do all you can to help,” Borches said. “We feel blessed that we're able to be of service.”

Borches said it’s the Carter Myers way, with the dealership long priding itself on being able to give back.

“We think we’re considered a valued business in the community, on the top of the list of places people call on when they need help,” she said. “We feel like it helps make the community a stronger place. It’s really a win-win because the more we give back the more we’re strengthening our community.”