AutoAp empowers dealers to obtain full safety recall impacts

AutoAp launched Safety Recall Insights, a piece of technology that offers dealerships gain traction on comprehensive recall management.

Safety Recall Insights allows dealers to gain insights into their safety recall liability and financial impacts, lower liability based on particular recommendations provided by Safety Recall Insight's on-demand business intelligence, compare performance against other dealers within their state and across U.S., and generate additional warranty reimbursement by identifying more in-brand safety recalls.

It also helps dealers envision economic benefits when they are able to resolve recalls right away. Dealers can take full advantage of having the most accurate and timely safety recall alerting system available, save time managing recalls, lower holding costs, enhance service efficiencies, improve service warranty reimbursement, and grow revenue.

According to AutoAp's research, on average, dealerships have a more than 15 percent “open rate.” Clients have reduced their average open rate to 4.7 percent and power users have lowered theirs to 2.6 percent, a significant 83 percent reduction, according to the company.

Safety Recall Insights is accessible from mobile devices for on-hand and on-demand recall insights.