Summer heat can take a toll on your car's battery

Both extremes of heat and cold can actually damage the battery.
Both extremes of heat and cold can actually damage the battery. | File photo

The extreme temperatures of summer and winter can affect people’s health and mood just as it can affect the cars they drive. 

Both extremes of heat and cold can actually cause damage to one of your car’s most important component, the battery. The battery is like your car’s heart and soul. It is responsible for supplying electrical current to the engine and without it; your car won’t even start.

Furthermore, most people aren’t aware that summer heat can cause more harm to your battery than the cold weather. It can lead the battery’s capacity to diminish very quickly. The extreme temperatures of winter, on the other hand, will cause the battery to freeze and will also reduce its ability to function by 20 to 50 percent.

Walser Automotive Group in South Edina, Minnesota, offers a battery check-up and can also replace your battery with a new one, if required. Be sure and drop in before the extreme temperatures of summer arrive.