Sam Leman Auto Group offers tips on distraction-free driving with kids in the car

Sam Leman Auto Group, based in Illinois, recently posted on its website a few tips about keeping everyone safe while driving with children in the vehicle.

Children can become a distraction to drivers, leading to unsafe driving conditions, the release said. To make things easier for the driver, bring toys, activity books or other items to keep the kids busy and focused so they don't demand the time or the attention of the driver.

On long trips, it's helpful to have another adult in the vehicle. The second adult can focus on the children while the driver focuses on the road. It's also important for the driver to remember that paying attention to the road is more important than paying attention to the kids while driving, the release said. If necessary, the driver can pull over or pull into a parking lot to attend to the kids when the opportunity allows.

Calming music may also help while driving with children in the car.